Friday, June 19, 2009

New web policing powers - just say NO!

New web policing powers – cops to have more access to personal info without a search warrant. They are saying 20th century technology needs 20th century rules. Seem to me that it is really a lack of rules the government and civil authorities want. They want to be able to track people’s usage and use profile information, blog entries, email, facebook, banking etc, track via GPS cell phone calls, access and seize internet providers hard drives and the information on them, making it illegal to dump information even if you are no longer using them as your provider and other things all without the benefit of a warrant.

This is scary stuff – you may be under investigation and not even know it. With this proposed plan we all lose our rights to privacy and to face our accusers. I am not saying don’t go after the criminals – catch those guys that exploit children – but I fear that this will not just be used for that type of policing. What I fear is that activists will be targeted. Any naysayer to the government will be watched as subversives – truth is we feel this is already happening but now the government will be able to do and use any information collected as evidence to silence dissent. We need to say NO!

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