Tuesday, March 15, 2011

gentrification - you jerk is not....

The definition of gen·tri·fi·ca·tion (jĕn'trə-fĭ-kā'shən)
is - The restoration and upgrading of deteriorated urban property by middle-class or affluent people, often resulting in displacement of lower-income people.

It is not - new low-income/modest housing - rental and others
- community based small business
- libraries, community schools and recreation centres
- community based organizations

To the middle class white boy, who had probably only a half a year of intro sociology, stop defacing our community with your damn graffiti - you don't know what you are talking/writing about or you would know better than to trash these places.
Poor people like nice things too, they want to be able to shop and access services in their community, take their kids to clean community spaces, you are not speaking or standing up for us....so knock it off

Hey so I haven't written in awhile.....

The truth is it has been grim, I was sad when HCAP ended and there felt for me no focus in my Anti-Poverty work. I did not fit in with the middle class do gooders, but was also getting a little too old for overtly radical action. Not nimble enough any longer to risk a tussle with the cops at a demo, not fast enough to get away. I have instead been focusing on generating political dialogue, changing opinions through active debate, challenging stereotypes, debunking poverty myths and sharing advocacy strategies. We will see where this takes me, now that I will have a new work schedule and more time to write, I am hoping to get out something at least a reaction piece to the federal budget.....now there should be a good fairytale