So the NDP are at it again, as part of some mysterious affordable housing strategy they have made some changes to the NS Tenancy Act.
Changes include:
-- automatic lease renewal
I think this was the long hoped for security of tenure clause...however the way it reads sounds like nothing different then what already happens. In the past, unless you have a fixed term lease, if you or the landlord do not give notice the lease rolls over to the next year. There appears to be nothing in the updated act to imply that tenure is achieved...maybe its implied...implied laws are useless.
- improving the process to deal with unpaid rent
This is where it gets scary, with the changes a landlord can evict a tenant for non payment of rent after 15 days this is reduced from 30 days. This will profoundly impact people who receive only one cheque a month, whether that is income assistance or CPP/etc it will be nearly impossible to come up with arrears in between cheques.
This will mean more homelessness, more burden upon community based organizations who will be hit up for resources so people can stayed housed. Not really sure what kind of critical thinking went into that one.
-- a simpler process for rent adjustments in land-lease communities (formerly mobile home parks)
Will that mean it will be easier to increase...sounds like it to me
-- tenants on fixed-term leases can end their leases early, without financial penalty, for health reasons
This already happens
-- be able to award the application fee for those successful in the residential tenancies hearings
Yup this too
Overall, the changes are very one sided in the landlord's favour, some changes like the new arrears to eviction time frame will be devastating to those on monthly income and will increase homeless. So NDP if this is part of your affordable housing stragety....EPIC FAIL!
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