Queer and Rebel Days- fantastic and free (donations gladly welcome but not necessary) at the Robert St. Social Centre
Kick off Party- Friday July 10, 7pm (Roberts street social centre- 5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)- meet some folks and discuss, among other things, the importance of challenging consumerism and assimilation (and talk about what those words mean)
Queer Costume, Water-Fight Bike Ride, Saturday July 11 (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)11am-2pm- bike fixing, costume making, water balloon filling, face painting, target practice etc.2pm- the bike ride leaves 5684 Roberts st.
Queer Performance Night, Saturday July 11, 8pm, (5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)Raindate: Sunday, July 12, 7pmStill accepting performers- contact queer.and.rebel.days.2009@gmail.com or call 446-1788
Queer Expressions: DIY art workshops and fair, Sunday, July 12, 12-5pm (5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)-There will be zine making, button making, patch making and hair cutting stations.-there will also be art for sale by and for Queers and their allies.
Are You Queer Enough?, Sunday July 12, 3-6pm (5684 Roberts st., upstairs) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)We will discuss the peer-policing of queer identities in the queer/gay communityThere will also be a story telling element, where folks can speak to times they did not feel 'queer enough' and what that even means.This will be followed by a collaberative zine making workshop for those interested.
Lunch Time Discussions Monday July 13-Thursday July 16, 12-2pm (5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)There will be some food and a few folks hanging around to discuss any topics that might have been missed, and also to just generally hang out. Also, the button-maker will be available and so will the zine-making supplies.
How to be an Ally, Monday, July 13, 7pm (5684 Roberts st., upstairs) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)Have you even wondered how to be an ally, not just to queer or trans folk, but in general?We will discuss principles and tactics of how to be a supportive ally.
Lunch Time Discussions Monday July 13-Thursday July 16, 12-2pm (5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)There will be some food and a few folks hanging around to discuss any topics that might have been missed, and also to just generally hang out. Also, the button-maker will be available and so will the zine-making supplies.
Flag Wars Screening - Tuesday, July 14, 7pm (5684 Roberts st., upstairs) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)-Movie has strong content-Will be followed by a discussion
Lunch Time Discussions Monday July 13-Thursday July 16, 12-2pm (5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)There will be some food and a few folks hanging around to discuss any topics that might have been missed, and also to just generally hang out. Also, the button-maker will be available and so will the zine-making supplies.
Queer Activist History: Guest Speaker and Discussion- Wednesday, July 15, 7pm (5684 Roberts st., upstairs) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)-Talk about some historical moments of queer activism, and discuss where current activism is headed now-An opportunity to meet other folks interested in queer activist actions.
Lunch Time Discussions Monday July 13-Thursday July 16, 12-2pm (5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)There will be some food and a few folks hanging around to discuss any topics that might have been missed, and also to just generally hang out. Also, the button-maker will be available and so will the zine-making supplies.
Wrap-up with Wraps- Thursday, July 16, 6pm (5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)- Feedback and reflection- did anything make you uncomfortable? Did we miss anything? We want your feedback!- Direct action planning- Are there any actions you want to see happen? Are you interested in being an active queer activist? Come to this event!
For more information, to request childcare or to volunteer contact: queer.and.rebel.days.2009@gmail.com or (902)-446-1788
Contact Info
Halifax, NS
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