Please don't let that deter you from visiting - because we need new blood - some lively folks in the mix -just some heads ups
- like while we do not have an anti-panhandling law we do have an anti-squeeging one so if you need cash remember to stay away from the road ways when you looking for contributions
- We have mall cops that think they are police - these are mainly on Spring Garden Rd. but remember that they only have control over private property not public spaces, like sidewalk, library and public parks
- Our actual police, are in many cases, overzealous to put it nicely and to put it truthfully bullies much of the time -not all but many - especially the newbies
- believe it or not - that big lovely field called the Commons - is not a place where you can camp or let your dogs run without a lease (many do but in the summer they really crack down) so bring a lease and be ready to put it on or they may take your dog
- The Commons is a public space however and you can stay all day (even some of the night)- so if some cop says move on they have no right to do so
- Food not Bombs meals - Sunday at 1 PM by the North Branch Library, Gottingen Street
Wednesday at 5 PM by the Spring Garden Branch Library
Thursday at 12:30 PM by Victoria Park (corner of Spring Garden / South Park) - Hope Cottage - free supper meals 5 days a week located 2435 Brunswick St (902) 429-7968
- There is also a few others however people you meet at these food programs will let you know where else you can go.
- Check out Robert's Street Social Centre while your here - lots of zines to look at and lots of free activities - great community space!
- And in the end you can always call HCAP the Halifax Coalition Against Poverty 902-444-5060 and leave a message and someone will get back to you to answer your questions
Good Luck and Welcome to Halifax
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