Thursday, June 24, 2010

UPDATE 1-Bank bailout tax plan splits G20 | Reuters

Have I stepped into the looking glass? Canada, the land of the social left, free health care, education, publically funded social programs has now become more right winged that the US?  We now do not want the banks to pay their fair share? As the number of  people who fall into poverty increases, we will step up and  bailout banks because… why – they are struggling with their billion dollar profits? 

Our banks rode this last financial crisis well, it is time they step up and pay their fair share…..fair defined as equitable and just share not just a percentage.  The tax burden of this country has shifted from those who can afford to pay on their wealth and profit to a fragile consumer based tax system levied against an increasingly poorer nation…this is unsustainable and will put everything we as Canadians hold dear at risk………….think about it

UPDATE 1-Bank bailout tax plan splits G20 | Reuters

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

People’s Kitchen feeds G20 protesters -

So this is probably one of the most terrifying acts committed by the protestors, feeding people for free.  I seemed to remember that it is when our group would have the most trouble, give someone a tofu sandwich and the police are all over you.  All jokes aside this is really an act of community solidarity and its not just about feeding people, but is about developing a shared community space and a chance to share political ideas, and for this government that is terrifying.

The government has worked so hard over the last couple of months to paint those who demonstrate as irrational thugs who are only out to destroy.  In reality the people who are out there on the streets are there because they want to make a difference, they know the decisions these so called “leaders” will be making will have dramatic and significant impact on our world and how we treat our people and resources. Given the past track record of most of those leaders seated around the table we have the right to be afraid that the decisions made there will exclude us and negatively impact all of us. As well as Canada has shown already in their excess and need to show off will waste the precious resources we have left and set oppression instead of liberation as its underlying agenda.



People’s Kitchen feeds G20 protesters -

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

CTV Toronto - Police ride herd as G20 protesters march the streets - CTV News

Security is way over the top, anti-poverty activists OCAP and crew first to take the streets in what seems to be one of many protests planned for the upcoming week.  A water cannon has now been added to the arsenal of weapons to be used against protestors.  What are they so afraid of, Canada security forces are going to the extreme, it is like using an Uzi to kill a house fly.  Not that the protestors efforts are in vain, it is just the magnitude of force and resources being used to silence dissent is out of control.  This bullying tactic is not the “Canadian Way” – where is this coming from? Have we veered so far right we have forgotten who we are as a nation?  We are more paranoid than the Americans and that is saying something.  I know…..all the Bush advisors headed north and Harper hired them all…..argh! Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Stephen Harper HAS GOT TO GO….Toews too!

CTV Toronto - Police ride herd as G20 protesters march the streets - CTV News

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Goldilocks effect

So what has been happening in Halicentral? It has been pretty quiet on the activist front at least from what I can see. There have been some structured events but no real taking it to the streets or radical action. Groups out there seemed to be quietly plugging away at their own individual anti-poverty and or oppression mandates none really overlapping or intersecting with each other.

We seem so content with the status quo and yet there is a lot of stuff to address, like we need a new tenancy act, one that does not favour landlords, we need more social and public housing that is affordable and accessible. The department of community services is planning to revamp their system again, we haven't got a clue what they are planning but if their recent behaviour is any indication then I do not believe it will be good. This whole focus on the worker, the shift to the American model, time limits, harder to qualify, harder for those who are not ready or able to work or train at this time. Benefit levels not enough leaving those in need struggling for essentials,community agencies and group struggling to meet the ever growing need ....yikes! (I know there are groups and people plugging away out there at that stuff)

It feels like a certain malaise has settled upon us, maybe it is just me...I have been searching for a group that is connected across the province doing anti-poverty work and really I have come up lacking. The groups I have come across are either too focused on one population or too academic or too radical or not radical enough...damn I sound like goldilocks maybe there isn't a just right. I want to do political action, look at poverty critically but not remove it from the individual, have solid discussions that include a variety of points of view respectfully and have a little fun in the that possible? Is it out there?

Lowly but highly skilled anti-poverty activist seeks anti-poverty activist group willing to work hard all that is asked in returned is solidarity, inclusion and respect..... email me, I am serious

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

so are we done?

Well thanks to money troubles and activist burnout HCAP no longer has an office....are we done yet? Are people still interested in doing the type of anti-poverty organizing, advocacy and direct action we were doing in the past? or is something different needed...............something more creative?....less radical? more radical? more grassroots? political? I am still available to take on individual cases and will wrap up what is left...............but really what is next?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter...and Homeless.

Winter...and Homeless.

The Out-of-the Cold Shelter is in big need of the items listed below. They'd really appreciate if any of you 'Santas' out there could donate the following items, although financial donations, no matter how small...$5 even, would be most helpful. Shelter supply needs are assessed weekly, then specific purchases are made. Tax receipts are provided for financial donations.

Maybe you have stuff you haven't worn in a while, or friends or family do, or, toss in a couple extra food items, listed below, in your basket at the supermarket. If you can get down to Barrington and Spring Garden Road to the Shelter at St. Matthew's ANY TIME over the holidays or when you're back in town at work, please do. The Shelter hours are between 8.15AM to 8PM, Monday to Sunday and you can call them at 225-1142 or email halifaxwintershelter@gmail
.com if you have questions regarding donations or about the Shelter itself.

* hoodies sixe XL
* good quality winter boots/sneakers size 9 and up
* men's new underwear / longjohns
* small back packs
* milk crates
* juice
* milk / coffee cream
* coffee
* granola / breakfast bars
* FITTED ONLY single sized bed sheets
* large plastic tubs for storage
* laundry Detergent
* bus tickets